This weekend involved a variety of ups and downs, twists and turns, and some issues with finding the train station entrance, but I managed to always find my way back home.
Saturday, we returned to Berlin and began our journey by bike. I was able to experience (and quickly learn the terrifying nature of) mountain biking. We chose to continue our mission of staying off the road with cars, so our journey brought us along the river (with gorgeous views) and a little taste of off-road biking. Thankfully I was not on a road bike and had a large mountain bike to manage the unnerving terrain. By the end of our tour of Brandenburg, I was exhausted and everything hurt.
A couple of us wanted to head back to Berlin, so we headed towards the train station. Unfortunately in more remote locations, the trains come less frequently, so we were in a bit of a hurry. With this rush we had issues finding the train station entrance and had a few stressful encounters. Nonetheless, we made it back to Berlin unscathed but a little shaken up later that afternoon.
Sunday brought an entirely new adventure for me: Dungeons and Dragons. Due to my interest in sci-fi and science inspired TV shows, I had my fair share of DnD knowledge, but I had never played. After hours of preparing the characters and playing a few rounds, I can confidently say I am excited to see where this campaign takes us. Having a weekly group gathering will definitely be something to look forward to in the coming months. (Especially because winter is coming in Berlin.)
Additionally, I had the opportunity to play table tennis with my host mom's son. In the span of a month, I have developed this sibling-like relationship with him, which is something new for me. We quickly bonded over art and the art of sassiness, so we have been great allies (who also annoy the crap out of one another). Although this was a simplistic action of playing a common game (and getting served due to my horrible table tennis skills), I really enjoyed a taste of every day life in Berlin. Sometimes I get so caught up in the bureaucracy checklists and stressing over such minuscule things that I forget to do simple every-day things: walking in the park, playing a game with a friend, enjoying the weather out on the balcony. I'm trying to experience as many outdoors memories as I can to 1. remember it in the dead of winter and 2. actually live as a Berliner and not simply as an expat or a long-term tourist.
I look forward to documenting and recounting the events that ensue this week, and appreciate all of you who follow and continue to read my blog!!
cheers ~